OBO Community Health

This page gives insight into which people are responsible for which OBO Foundry ontologies, how easy they are to get in contact with, and what the extent of their responsibilities across the OBO Foundry are. It was generated using the GitHub API with scripts at https://github.com/cthoyt/obo-community-health on 2025-03-14.

# Name GitHub ORCiD Wikidata Recently Active Ontologies
9 Chris Mungall cmungall 🟒 🟒 2023-11-12 18:05:43 🟒 bspo, ceph, cteno, oba, obo_rel, omo, ro, sibo, uberon
9 Yongqunh He yongqunh 🟒 🟒 2023-11-04 18:16:49 🟒 cido, ico, ino, oae, ogg, ohmi, opmi, ovae, vo
7 Frédéric Bastian fbastian 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 09:00:15 🟒 cio, hom, hsapdv, mmusdv, ncbitaxon, olatdv, pdumdv
1 Leszek Vincent 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ zea
5 Jie Zheng zhengj2007 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 16:51:45 🟒 bcgo, eupath, iao, obcs, opl
5 Lynn Schriml lschriml 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 20:20:40 🟒 disdriv, doid, gaz, symp, trans
5 Clare Pilgrim Clare72 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 16:49:40 🟒 dpo, fbbt, fbcv, fbdv, fbsp
5 Pankaj Jaiswal jaiswalp 🟒 🟒 2023-09-05 20:28:48 🟒 eo, pao, peco, po, to
4 Bill Hogan hoganwr 🟒 🟒 2023-11-05 18:02:34 🟒 apollo_sv, dron, geo, omrse
4 Jim Balhoff balhoff 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 19:25:09 🟒 cdao, taxrank, tto, vto
4 Colin Batchelor batchelorc 🟒 🟒 2023-09-20 10:20:49 🟒 chmo, mop, rnao, rxno
4 Mathias Brochhausen mbrochhausen 🟒 🟒 2023-10-25 20:45:16 🟒 dideo, mpio, omiabis, oostt
3 Alpha Tom Kodamullil akodamullil 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ado, cto, epio
3 Ramona Walls ramonawalls 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 22:21:38 🟒 bco, pco, ppo
3 Thorsten Henrich ThorstenHen 🟒 πŸ”΄ bila, mfo, pd_st
3 Nicole Vasilevsky nicolevasilevsky 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 23:46:00 🟒 chiro, mondo, upheno
3 Jennifer Smith jrsjrs 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 18:28:22 🟒 cmo, mmo, xco
3 Bjoern Peters bpeters42 🟒 🟒 2023-11-11 02:43:11 🟒 cob, mro, obi
3 Paul Fabry pfabry 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 15:51:26 🟒 cvdo, labo, pdro
3 Terry Hayamizu tfhayamizu 🟒 🟒 2023-10-25 19:51:40 🟒 emap, emapa, ma
3 Matt Yoder mjy 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 21:25:16 🟒 hao, nomen, oarcs
3 Janna Hastings jannahastings 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 14:08:40 🟒 mf, mfoem, mfomd
3 George Gkoutos gkoutos 🟒 🟒 2023-10-20 10:17:45 🟒 nbo, pato, uo
2 Melanie Courtot mcourtot 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 22:29:58 🟒 aero, duo
2 Jennifer C. Giron JCGiron 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ aism, colao
2 Melissa Haendel mellybelly 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ caro, ncit
2 Luis A. Gonzalez-Montana luis-gonzalez-m 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ clao, lepao
2 Lindsay Cowell lgcowell 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ dc_cl, ido
2 Petra Fey pfey03 🟒 🟒 2023-10-29 03:40:14 🟒 ddanat, ddpheno
2 Pier Luigi Buttigieg pbuttigieg 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 14:02:11 🟒 ecocore, envo
2 Anne Thessen diatomsRcool 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 13:33:24 🟒 ecto, exo
2 Val Wood ValWood 🟒 🟒 2023-11-13 08:32:14 🟒 fao, fypo
2 Damion Dooley ddooley 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 17:54:13 🟒 foodon, genepio
2 Matthew Brush mbrush 🟒 🟒 2023-11-04 00:09:36 🟒 geno, sepio
2 Peter Midford pmidford 🟒 🟒 2023-11-12 14:25:11 🟒 habronattus, loggerhead
2 Jingshan Huang Huang-OMIT 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ncro, omit
2 Asiyah Yu Lin linikujp 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 18:19:09 🟒 ogi, ogsf
2 Sofia Robb srobb1 🟒 🟒 2023-10-30 19:57:00 🟒 plana, planp
2 Allyson Lister allysonlister 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 13:39:19 🟒 swo, t4fs
2 Wasila Dahdul wdahdul 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 00:41:59 🟒 tao, vsao
2 Chris Grove chris-grove 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 17:01:18 🟒 wbls, wbphenotype
2 Erik Segerdell seger 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 22:18:20 🟒 xao, xpo
2 Yvonne Bradford ybradford 🟒 🟒 2023-11-06 18:57:13 🟒 zeco, zp
2 Ceri Van Slyke cerivs 🟒 🟒 2023-10-30 21:57:51 🟒 zfa, zfs
1 Marie-Angélique Laporte marieALaporte 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 08:11:12 🟒 agro
1 Hector Escriva hescriva 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ amphx
1 Stacia R Engel srengel 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 21:21:06 🟒 apo
1 Andrew G. McArthur agmcarthur 🟒 🟒 2023-11-12 16:55:22 🟒 aro
1 Barry Smith phismith 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ bfo
1 Christian-Alexander Dudek chdudek 🟒 🟒 2023-10-03 10:55:08 🟒 bto
1 Liliana Andres Hernandez LilyAndres 🟒 🟒 2023-10-25 23:55:30 🟒 cdno
1 Adnan Malik amalik01 🟒 🟒 2023-11-08 10:58:12 🟒 chebi
1 Egon Willighagen egonw 🟒 🟒 2023-11-12 18:37:08 🟒 cheminf
1 Alexander Diehl addiehl 🟒 🟒 2023-11-08 19:39:55 🟒 cl
1 Sirarat Sarntivijai siiraa 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ clo
1 Lucas Leclere L-Leclere 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ clyh
1 Mark Engelstad markengelstad 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ cmf
1 Marijane White marijane 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 00:44:48 🟒 cro
1 Charles Ettensohn ettensohn 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ecao
1 Michelle Giglio mgiglio99 🟒 🟒 2023-10-12 16:14:34 🟒 eco
1 Willy Wong wawong 🟒 🟒 2023-10-18 19:08:34 🟒 fbbi
1 Georgeta Bordea getbordea 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ fideo
1 Robert Hoehndorf leechuck 🟒 🟒 2023-10-03 14:44:21 🟒 flopo
1 Pol Castellano Escuder pcastellanoescuder 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 17:16:54 🟒 fobi
1 Meghan Balk megbalk 🟒 🟒 2023-11-07 14:17:50 🟒 fovt
1 Rebecca Jackson beckyjackson 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ gecko
1 Nathan Edwards edwardsnj 🟒 🟒 2023-11-13 01:54:54 🟒 gno
1 Suzi Aleksander suzialeksander 🟒 🟒 2023-10-25 17:04:50 🟒 go
1 Clair Kronk Superraptor 🟒 🟒 2023-10-25 02:48:17 🟒 gsso
1 Danielle Welter daniwelter 🟒 🟒 2023-10-23 13:18:00 🟒 hancestro
1 Sebastian Koehler drseb 🟒 🟒 2023-10-09 14:18:07 🟒 hp
1 Fernanda Dorea nandadorea 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ hso
1 Amanda Hicks aellenhicks 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ htn
1 Meng LIU Lemon-Liu 🟒 🟒 2023-10-09 19:34:18 🟒 iceo
1 Jonathan Karr jonrkarr 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ kisao
1 Leigh Carmody LCCarmody 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 22:04:24 🟒 maxo
1 Citlalli Mejía-Almonte citmejia 🟒 🟒 2023-11-08 22:19:46 🟒 mco
1 Tuan Amith ProfTuan 🟒 2023-11-12 18:15:36 🟒 mcro
1 Robert Druzinsky RDruzinsky 🟒 🟒 2023-10-31 16:04:25 🟒 mfmo
1 Luana Licata luanalicata 🟒 🟒 2023-10-18 10:00:50 🟒 mi
1 Hilmar Lapp hlapp 🟒 🟒 2023-11-12 02:04:53 🟒 miapa
1 Carrine Blank carrineblank 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ micro
1 Chris Stoeckert cstoeckert 🟒 🟒 2023-10-01 01:50:36 🟒 mo
1 Pierre-Alain Binz pabinz 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ mod
1 Sue Bello sbello 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 17:21:16 🟒 mp
1 Paul Schofield PaulNSchofield 🟒 🟒 2023-11-09 15:12:41 🟒 mpath
1 Gerhard Mayer germa 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ms
1 Dalia Alghamdi dalalghamdi 🟒 πŸ”΄ ngbo
1 Justin Whorton jmwhorton 🟒 2023-11-03 19:16:44 🟒 obib
1 Brian Aevermann BAevermann 🟒 🟒 2023-11-02 00:10:31 🟒 ogms
1 Bill Duncan wdduncan 🟒 🟒 2023-11-11 12:58:46 🟒 ohd
1 Edison Ong e4ong1031 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ohpi
1 James C. Hu jimhu-tamu 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ omp
1 Chen Yang cyang0128 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ one
1 Francesco Vitali FrancescoVit 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ons
1 Miguel A. Fortuna miguelfortuna 🟒 🟒 2023-09-25 08:02:06 🟒 ontoavida
1 Fernanda Farinelli FernandaFarinelli 🟒 🟒 2023-08-27 23:22:08 🟒 ontoneo
1 Stephen Fisher safisher 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ornaseq
1 David Osumi-Sutherland dosumis 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 18:03:38 🟒 pcl
1 Alayne Cuzick CuzickA 🟒 🟒 2023-11-08 09:18:17 🟒 phipo
1 Bob Thacker bobthacker 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ poro
1 Darren Natale nataled 🟒 🟒 2023-11-06 15:19:54 🟒 pr
1 Wes Schafer schaferw 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ proco
1 Zach Landis-Lewis zachll 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 15:40:13 🟒 psdo
1 Laurel Cooper cooperl09 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 16:30:12 🟒 pso
1 G. Thomas Hayman gthayman 🟒 🟒 2023-10-23 23:26:38 🟒 pw
1 Daniel C. Berrios DanBerrios 🟒 🟒 2023-11-06 19:37:06 🟒 rbo
1 Shur-Jen Wang shurjenw 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ rs
1 Rahuman Sheriff rsmsheriff 🟒 🟒 2023-10-30 10:55:13 🟒 sbo
1 Jade Hotchkiss JadeHotchkiss 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ scdo
1 Karen Eilbeck keilbeck 🟒 🟒 2023-09-07 01:08:04 🟒 so
1 Martin Ramirez martinjramirez 🟒 🟒 2023-09-04 14:57:18 🟒 spd
1 Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran agbeltran 🟒 🟒 2023-11-08 13:57:31 🟒 stato
1 Yuki Yamagata yuki-yamagata 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ txpo
1 Anne Morgat amorgat 🟒 🟒 2023-08-21 10:15:56 🟒 upa
1 Mauno Vihinen maunov 🟒 πŸ”΄ vario
1 Sabrina Toro sabrinatoro 🟒 🟒 2023-11-03 23:00:54 🟒 vbo
1 Carissa Park caripark 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ vt
1 Raymond Lee raymond91125 🟒 🟒 2023-11-10 20:03:16 🟒 wbbt
1 Lutz Fischer lutzfischer 🟒 🟒 2023-11-01 10:53:08 🟒 xlmod
1 Mike Cherry jmcherry-zz 🟒 🟒 πŸ”΄ ypo