I was recently nominated for the International Society for Biocuration’s Excellence in Biocuration Early Career Award (results will be announced on June 14th!). This made me curious about how to model nominations and awards on Wikidata. In this post, I’ll describe how to curate awards, nominations, recipients, and how to make SPARQL queries to get them.

Summarizing an Individual

I’m going to use SPARQL with the Wikidata Query Service to see what’s already in Wikidata. First, I want to find all of the awards that I’ve personally received using the P166 (award received) property. Note that the following query also takes advantage of Wikidata’s reification so I can reach into the qualifiers of each statement to figure out when the award was given.

SELECT ?award ?awardLabel ?year ?conferer ?confererLabel
  VALUES ?person { wd:Q47475003 }
  ?person p:P166 ?award_statement .
  ?award_statement ps:P166 ?award .
  OPTIONAL { ?award wdt:P1027 ?conferer . }
    ?award_statement pq:P585 ?date .
    BIND(year(?date) AS ?year)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

See this query in action at https://w.wiki/6odU.

As of time of writing, the only award that is listed here is the Bernie Lemire Award. This was given to me by the Northeastern University Department of Chemistry at the end of my bachelor’s degree for service to the department and academic excellence. I am very proud of this award! You can switch out wd:Q47475003 for your Wikidata identifier.

A similar SPARQL query can be written to identify all of the awards for which I was nominated by swapping the predicate to P1411 (nominated for). This isn’t necessarily a superset of the awards received since some awards are decided without a nomination. It might also be the case depending on how curation is done that these are out of sync.

SELECT ?award ?awardLabel ?year ?conferer ?confererLabel
  VALUES ?person { wd:Q47475003 }
  ?person p:P1411 ?award_statement .
  ?award_statement ps:P1411 ?award .
  OPTIONAL { ?award wdt:P1027 ?conferer . }
    ?award_statement pq:P585 ?date .
    BIND(year(?date) AS ?year)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

See this query in action at https://w.wiki/6odV.

Summarizing an Award

Many awards are given on a periodic basis (e.g., yearly, bi-yearly). Scholia is an excellent frontend to Wikidata that already has a way of summarizing awards. Some examples:

Summarizing a Conferrer

Finally, I want to summarize all awards nominated or given by an organization. In this example, I’m going to look at the International Society for Biocuration (ISB; Q23809291).


The following query shows all of the recipients for all of the various awards conferred by the ISB:

SELECT ?award ?awardLabel ?recipient ?recipientLabel ?year
  ?recipient p:P166 ?award_statement .
  ?award_statement ps:P166 ?award .
    ?award_statement pq:P585 ?date .
    BIND(year(?date) AS ?year)
  ?award wdt:P1027 wd:Q23809291 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?year) ?awardLabel

See this query in action at https://w.wiki/6odW or the results embedded below.

At the time of writing, this only returned a paltry 9 rows, meaning more curation is necessary! Considering this award is about biocurators, we better get our act together 🙃. Update June 4th, 2023: I went back and curated the full catalog.


Similarly, the following query can be used to identify all nominations:

SELECT ?award ?awardLabel ?nominee ?nomineeLabel ?year
  ?nominee p:P1411 ?award_statement .
  ?award_statement ps:P1411 ?award .
    ?award_statement pq:P585 ?date .
    BIND(year(?date) AS ?year)
  ?award wdt:P1027 wd:Q23809291 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?year) ?awardLabel

See this query in action at https://w.wiki/6odX or the results embedded below.

There are only 5 results at the time of writing, and these are for my fellow nominees for the Excellence in Biocuration Early Career Award that I recently curated! There’s a lot of work to do here for keeping a history of the ISB’s awards. Update June 4th, 2023: I went back and curated the full catalog. It turns out that the ISB did not publish the list of nominees for any awards until 2022, so this list will remain short.

Wikidata-wide Summary

More generally, it turns out that there are only a bit more than 55K nomination relations in total for all of Wikidata. You can check this with:

SELECT (count(*) AS ?count)
WHERE { ?nominee wdt:P1411 ?award . }

Curating an Award

Award objects don’t have to be complicated - the most important information is to include a useful instance annotation (e.g., to science award (Q11448906)) and the following:

  1. Field of Work (P101)
  2. Conferred By (P1027)
  3. Website (P856)
  4. Inception (P571)

See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q118947746 as an example.

Curating an Individual

On a given Wikidata page, you can add a statement for either nominated for or award received using Wikidata’s amazing curation interface that has search built in. It’s recommended to add a point in time (P585) annotation to make a distinction between different periods. Further, it’s recommended to add a refernce using the reference url (P854) property that pints to a webpage with an announcement about the nomination or award.

Overall, I think modeling awards is hard, since these are less concrete than other academic information such as employment or education. Still, this is the next step in making my resume 100% auto-generated by SPARQL and Wikidata!

See also an analysis by Chris Mungall of the gender distribution of awards in Wikidata.

Update June 4th, 2023: I won the Excellence in Biocuration Early Career Award! Nico Matentzoglu won the Excellence in Biocuration Advanced Career Award and we are both excited to see that the community was interested to recognize people who work on fundamental underlying technologies.